Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Went to el camino mongolian bbq for lunch today. It was quite tasty. Haven't had mongolian bbq in years, literally! So that was nice. =)

and say hello to my new baby.

Too many sad stories happened in this past year, but more than ever have I become fully aware of the meaning of "Life is too short, live it to the fullest." It's sad because it took so many tragic incidences for me to realize the full meaning of that. We get caught up and lose ourselves to our busy work schedules and our little insignificant and trivial dramas so easily. This is so cliche, but what if there is no tomorrow? what if today might be the last time you had the chance to say hello to that person but you didn't? what if? Regret, it's no doubt one of the nastiest feeling. And I don't ever want to regret not doing this and that while I still can.

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