Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hiking @ Montalvo

Such beautiful weather! My friends and I went hiking at Villa Montalvo.

Panoramic view of the bay area.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Pablo Francisco! / Dancing @ Loft Bar & Bistro. Leslie definitely got hammered this time!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I have this amazing ability to wake up every morning 1-5 minutes before my alarm goes off!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


My semi week off..I have decided to treat myself by going to DSW with my girls. =) (and somehow managed to stop by valleyfair too! heheh)

So we're getting ready to recarpet at the store. Such big project!!! and dusts EVERYWHERE. I'm getting hit pretty hard by 'em allergies. My poor nose. But the store will look very nice in 2 weeks. It will be safe for sandal-loving musicians to enter once again.

Excited for this Saturday!! Pablo Francisco!!!!!!!!! (My favorite clips of all time: Movie Preview Guy | Mexican Woman Impression ) And also to celebrate Lesbie's quarter century. I will be back with pictures =)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I Need Sleep.

What an exhausting but fun weekend. Had an overnight trip to SF/Santa Clara with the high school's choir and symphonic band. We did pretty well, bronze for choir, silver for band! We went to the city after the performance, and did the double decker bus tour (which I had to say was one of the coolest thing ever.) Never knew so much history about San Francisco even though I go all the time.
Sunday was Great America day. Hung out with students, and of course, resisted profusely from the peer pressure of getting me onto roller coasters. I did get tricked to go on this spinning ride called Centrifuge. I think them kids got a kick out of my hysteria-state laughter and piercing screams. And I think I have lost all forms of authority figure and respect from them. har har so sad. And all those walking!! Thank goodness I've been working out and TRYING to get back into shape.
That's it for now. time to get some shut-eye. (Although Kung Pao is on TV...and if you're reading this, there's a good chance that you know I can recite every line in that movie. haha)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Went to el camino mongolian bbq for lunch today. It was quite tasty. Haven't had mongolian bbq in years, literally! So that was nice. =)

and say hello to my new baby.

Too many sad stories happened in this past year, but more than ever have I become fully aware of the meaning of "Life is too short, live it to the fullest." It's sad because it took so many tragic incidences for me to realize the full meaning of that. We get caught up and lose ourselves to our busy work schedules and our little insignificant and trivial dramas so easily. This is so cliche, but what if there is no tomorrow? what if today might be the last time you had the chance to say hello to that person but you didn't? what if? Regret, it's no doubt one of the nastiest feeling. And I don't ever want to regret not doing this and that while I still can.