Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm anxiously waiting for the return of my gal pals from out of state so we can all finally go shopping together (and have new additions to my shoe collection. 2 pairs of sandals broke booo.)

My two year verizon contract is up in a couple of weeks. I'm really eye-ing the new blackberry tour. But the big question is- Do I really want to get a bb and become chained to it 24/7? I need the qwerty keyboard for sure, and I woud like to have email access. The phone I have right now is great for texting, but the browser sucks because it's not a smartphone/blackberry. I like the touch screen feature but can live without it. Anyway, big dilemma. Plus getting a blackberry means that the cost of my calling plan will go up too. Is it worth it?

I can't believe it's already near the end of July. Where did my summer go? Been really busy dealing with remodeling, but did that seriously take up all of my free time? One month left, Joe and I still need to finish the house and move, and there are endless yardwork to tend to. I have a few rehearsals lined up on my calendar, as well as planning for our formal engagement. I gotta find time to go to the beach, have great summer bbq, camp outs, and of course, VEGAS! The big challenge is to fit all of these into one month! Stay tuned...

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