Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter 08

Happy New Year!

December was quite eventful, both work and fun-wise. However, there was just something missing this year...even with all the holiday decorations and the cold weather, I just didn't feel the holiday spirit at all. Maybe it's all part of growing up, we get so caught up at work and personal stuff that we lost that passion and spirit for things we used to love. But all in all, I was with great company, had lots of amazing and delicious food, and of course, shopped a lot. Al contraire to the title of this blog, I did not buy any shoes.

I spent NYE in a quaint and cozy cabin by Lake Tahoe. We walked to the lake and watched the sunset, and it was beautiful.

Here are highlights of my winter holiday.

Joe's holiday party at the California Academy of Sciences. One night in the museum, plus open bar and all you can eat oysters and gourmet food. What's not to love??

babe likes to slouch.

in union square, SF.

Erica and I made [soggy] pesto pizzas on christmas. Yumm.

I made popovers.

Fondue dinner with the WOM crew.

Tea party.

the spread. [tea sandwiches, fruit tarts, cheese and meat plate, mimosas...etc.]

With my lovers.

Fruit Tarts

playing at WET

Annual holiday dinner at the Engs

Welcome to Serendipity 3

Sunset by the lake with my <3s.

Group picture

A silly one. I had the camera on timer and couldn't jump on Joe's back in time.

Attempting to make snow angels. The snow was too icey. We looked dead.

with babe.

A jumping group shot. Of course it took several shots to get this.

this was taken around noon. Kind of ominous looking, no?

Playing flip cup with bud light.

Guess who won this round? She was very proud.

Joe rocking out on rock band.

This is our last photo of the year 2008.

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