Sunday, October 26, 2008

People jump to conclusions too fast. I know I'm guilty of that sometimes, but I generally try to keep an open mind and not to stereotype others. I consider myself to be fairly modest, and don't like to boast about my background and what I am capable of. "But you're a performer, a musician!" True, but my parents taught me to be modest so I only step into the spotlight when necessary. Anyway, what I am trying to get at is that very often I come across individuals (talented or not), who stereotype me the moment they met me. To them, I am always going to be inexperienced and have limited knowledge and skills because I am "young." I don't like to argue and correct people when they stereotype me, but deep inside I do feel the need to prove them wrong. It pisses me off because I'm not just a young little Asian girl who plays the piano because her parents forced her to do it when she was a child. I am also not one of those "piano teachers" who went into teaching just because they learned some Beethoven Sonatas at one point of time and passed some exams and all of the sudden think they're qualified to teach others. I'm doing this because I have great passion for music and I AM talented! But you will never find me bragging and boasting because I don't need the ego boost and I know perfectly well what I am capable of and what I am not. It is such a turn-off when someone goes on and on about a topic not realizing the person they're speaking to may know a lot more about it than s/he does. Have this ever happen to you? It's so vain and bigheaded, plus it's just plain annoying. Anyway, I digressed. Be modest and don't stereotype others!

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