Saturday, September 27, 2008


Saturday, September 13, 2008

pop pop popovers!

I finally made popovers. And I used this incredibly easy mix from King Arthur Flour.

Here they are. slowly rising.

They puffed up like crazy.

Aren't they cute?

I served it with a tray of goodies.
[garlic butter, garlic hummus, soft swiss cheese, blood orange marmalade, nutella, caramel apple, honey]

Sunday, September 7, 2008


so Britney took home three awards on her song "piece of me". The whole video is about her against the paparazzi and the media. Fine. Music is all about expressing one's emotions and feelings, but she didn't even write the song, not even the lyrics. Plus, the video is really crappy, especially the dancing scene in the bathroom. Where's the old Britney who could dance (but still couldn't sing)?


kanye west closed the show with his new song, which consists of pretty much the same melody in different keys, over and over again. For an artist who's cocky enough to compare himself to some of the biggest music legends, he really needs to come up with better music.

What can I say, most popular music today is crap. Kids nowadays think they only need to learn 3 chords to write songs. And of course, everyone can be a singer if they can kinda hold a pitch. What happened to the quintessential requirement of being an artist - TALENT?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

my new obsession.

Monday, September 1, 2008

i finally permed my hair. It's not as curly as I wanted, but it's fairly wavy and more volume yay! But not being able to wash my hair for 3 days was horrible. I literally reeked of perming solution and my hair was so dirty.

Anyway, I enjoyed my last 3 day weekend of the year. The next long weekend will be thanksgiving, but I generally have to work on black Friday. Sooooo yes, back to labor day weekend. The good: hung out with friends, BBQed, played wiiFit (I want one!!) ate an incredible amount of food, finally washed and waxed my car, and of course all the misc errands. The bad: broke 5 bottles of beer and the glass shattered all over the kitchen floor. If I ever get in a bar fight, I will never use a corona bottle because it's simply not strong enough. Budweiser, on the other hand, stood strong like a champ.

Vegas in 2 and half weeks! That means I gotta be good for the next 2 and half weeks and keep the numbers of my outings for food and alcohol to a minimal amount, and then it's time to get loose in sin city. Can't wait!!