Sunday, June 29, 2008

Apple is an evil corporation.

I'm really not a big fan of Mac products...

After spending hours unsuccessfully trying to figure out how to connect an apple bluetooth keyboard and mouse to my laptop, (even with 3 uber geeks' help) I don't know if I should just return it or continue this hellish battle. First of all there was no set passkey and I have to edit the registry, and then I can't type into the passkey box, and I can't connect the mouse because there's no button to do that. asdfasdafasdf!!!!!!!!! Looks like a lot of users out there have the same problem.. but a lot of people got theirs working! This is really frustrating. I'm more and more convinced that Apple is evil and just wants people to keep buying their products and upgrade because their products aren't compatible with any other systems.

Apple, your products may look cool and trendy, but for now, I would rather stick with buggy Microsoft!!!!

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