Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 years <3

hehe purple roses!
messed around with the color accent setting on my camera.

Monday, March 24, 2008

gobble gobble

Over the weekend, my mama decided to roast a turkey for no reason... with stuffing, apple cobblers, and all that good stuff. It's thanksgiving all over and that made emily a happy girl =)

Anyway, this week is going to be crazy, and probably will be like this for the next two months. I can't wait until New York!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Beef, It's Whats' for Dinner!

The talented Ifong cooked us Roast beef last night.. Mmmm...
Salad with miso dressing, roast beef with bleu cheese sauce, mushrooms sauteed with red wine, garlic bread with tremendous amount of herb butter!

And of course we had chocolate fondue for dessert!

Beef, chocolate, wine, and boxing. Good times! heheh

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sedantary Lifestyle, Body Needs 1800 Calories/Day

Got the Hiphop Abs DVDs via snail mail yesterday. They're a lot of fun!
Shaun T the choreographer is a little crazy but I guess that's what makes the workout fun.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Soul Intention's New Group Shots.

Don't we look sharp?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Guiness at the Brit. No green beer this year. Don't you just love how proud Brandon is of his Irish roots?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend Getaway

Wow it has been an amazingly relaxing weekend. The central coast really was an ideal spot for vacationing.

Joe and I drove down through 101 and stopped in Paso Robles. First stop was J. Lohr. I love how most wineries at Paso have complimentary tasting. But that's a very smart move..I got suckered into buying 11 bottles of wine this weekend. First purchase were 2006 Bay Mist White Riesling and a bottle of the 06 Zin. Hey it is the Zinfandel Festival weekend, I couldn't pass up the Zin. Next stop was Eberle. Again, complimentary tasting. I had heard and read so many great reviews on this place but I thought most of the wines I tasted that day were so so. The one I did really liked was the full boar red. (I bought 2 bottles at $15 each.) Really beautiful view though, and they had friendly poodles roaming around the estate. Last stop was Castoro. Their slogan is "Dam Fine Wine" because their symbol is a Beaver. Complimentary tasting!...Score! I fell in love with the Zinfusion and the Tempranillo, bought one of each. Castoro has lots of picnic tables outside. Joe and I had packed a picnic lunch so we ate there and enjoyed the nice and quiet view. I was glad we visitied wineries on Friday instead of Saturday because later on I heard that it was ridiculously crowded.

We then proceed to our Hotel in Morro Bay. Joe just had to take this crazy curvy shortcuts to get there, and there I was, so buzzed from the wine. It was not a pleasant drive but I think he had fun though. Our hotel is called Ascot Suites. I highly recommend this place to anyone who's planning on visiting the central coast. Great and friendly staff and service, CLEAN facility, free continental breakfast and free afternoon wine pour (Salmon Creek Wine), HBO, whirpool jet tub, small but nice sun deck up top with views of the bay and the morro rock...etc. Morro Bay is such a small town, most places are within walking distance. We went to a tiny tiny Thai joint called the Thai Boat. This place literally has 2 tables inside and 2 outside. We ordered take out and ate at the hotel. Around 7 bucks per person and was so yummy.

We visited the Hearst Castle bright and early. (Or the proper name is "Hearst Ranch") It was breathtakingly beautiful. It was supposed to rain but didn't. We took the 1st tour which was designed for 1st time visitors. Every little detail about the castle is amazing. The shuttle ride up there was a little scary though hahaha

Between Morro Bay and Hearst Castle, there's a tiny little town called Harmony. Population: 18! There's supposedly a famous cellar there but we didn't go. Joe and I were joking that the majority of the Harmony population works at the cellar. On the way back to the hotel, we stopped by Moonstone Cellar. I had to pay $3 for tasting fee, but well worth it. (for $10 I could've gotten more choices of wine, plus appetizers, cheese, ribs, and a glass.) I loved their Viognier but they only had samples, nothing for sell until Tuesday. Boooo! They also had lovely Dessert Wines "Por Do Sol" for $24. I ended up with a bottle of 2004 Cabernet, their winner of 2 gold medals.

We went back to Morro Bay, stopped by Crills for some good old fashion homemade saltwater taffy. There really is a difference to store bought ones and freshly made taffy. Yum! Joe of course got his Apple Rings.

Dinner was at Windows on the Water in Morro Bay. It was a really romantic restaurant to dine at, with a view of the bay and Morro Rock right next to you. Food was delicious as well. Started off with Albacore Ceviche. Joe ordered the Duck Breast and I had the Sand Dabs. Dessert was blood orange and Cantalope sorbet.

We checked out and left Morro Bay around 10:30. I still wanted to check out a couple wineries before we leave. First stop was Eagle Castle just because everybody said to check it out. It is literally a medieval castle in the middle of nowhere. Their 2005 Royal Red was amazing. Everything else was just okay. Last stop in Paso was Peachy Canyon. I'm so glad we stopped there because this was my favorite winery from this trip. $5 tasting plus I got to keep the glass. They specializes in Zinfandels and I tried all of them. The owner was outside pouring the Old School House Zin, and he was doing a vertical pouring meaning the same wine but from 2000 to 2007. I tried 00-02, and 05. I bought a $40 bottle of their 05 Especial Zin, and $25 Zin Port. They were probably my favorite wines out of all the wineries I've visited.

Definitely planning on going back to Paso Robles. I actually preferred it over Napa. Napa may have all the fancy decked out wineries but they are expensive! Paso Robles is all about their wine. People are passionate about their wine and they are extremely helpful and friendly. And they're only 3 hours away!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Chirashi @ Chocolate Sushi. (Took with my Voyager)

Limoncello Torte from Cheesecake Factory.


A parent called yesterday and wanted me to work with her kid and play at an audition with him. I checked my schedule and turned out that I couldn't help her out because I'm already booked for some other gig in advance. The parent begged and begged for quite a while, thinking if she begged enough, I would drop everything and go to the audition with her child. Her reason was that I had worked with her child before so there would be no need to rehearse a lot, thus making everything "so much easier" for her.

COME ON NOW! I know I don't have a normal 9-5 job like most people do, but like everybody else, musicians have their own schedule they need to attend to. Yes, music is what I do but I can't just drop everything to make life easier for her!

In this past couple of years I've really began to see how parents and students take accompanists for granted. They think they can just give me the sheet music today and expect me to know and ready to rehearse it by tomorrow. No, it does not work that way. If the performance did not go well, the first person to blame is the accompanist even if the soloist messed up. I've heard numerous harsh criticisms on extremely fine piano accompanists just because of the parents' ignorance.

Anyway, I politely declined (several times) to the mom. There is a little something called responsibility. I have already made commitment to another gig and I'm sticking to it. Sorry! Maybe next time she can learn to call earlier instead of days before the audition.

Don't take me for granted. Don't take anything for granted in life!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I had Fiji water for the first time today. It tasted like arrowhead. Ugh.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Finally ditching the good old xanga

starting over, fresh beginnings.

It has been a weird year so far. Encountering a lot of unfamiliar territories.

Weekend getaway coming up! It's about time. Looking forward to walking on the beach, sipping on fine cab, and fresh seafood. (And no whiney kids and endless rehearsals)