Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wow it's been a while since I update this. It's been quite busy with work and our remodeling project. Speaking of which, I am excited to say that we will now have a designated room for shoes!!! Okay well, it's not quite a shoe closet (like what Carrie wanted in Sex and the City), but a laundry room per say. But I've "negotiated" my way so that it will be half and half. I think there will be enough room for both Joe's and my shoes in there!

The wedding planning is going alright. Not much going on right now, but should go into full speed after the remodeling is finished in a month or so. We also started "". It's just a blog right now, but we will launch our formal website once we send out the Save-The-Dates.

Ok, that's it for now. -E

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I finally ordered a new toy!!
Was planning on going with Panasonic Lumix, but changed my mind and going back to the trusty Canon. Will receive it in a week, yay!

Meanwhile, I just got another fun gadget, thanks to the fiance ! (Plain ol' black colored one in HD, since I already have another non-HD mino with design.)