Tuesday, March 31, 2009

remodeling frenzy has began!

goodbye pink wall paper and counter tiles!

It's so sad that everything's been taken apart. I think I will miss those ugly floral accents.

I was feeling nostalgic last night, I went through my parents remodeling pictures and I realized that I had forgotten what their house used to look like...

Anyway, here are some "before" pictures and day 1.

Friday, March 27, 2009

there really is no free lunch. Everything costs money.

nevertheless, i am really excited!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

work has been so stressful. I am really looking forward to summer...mmm mango mojitos on a white sandy beach. Happy thoughts.

In the mean time, I have discovered the wonderful world of paper craft and scrapbooking. I have decided to do all invitations and save-the-dates myself so I've been buying paper samples and doing researches on embossing. I found a great scrapbook store at the corner of Stevens Creek and De Anza Blvd, in the same shopping plaza as Diddams- it's called Memories live on. Kind of a cheesy name eh? But they have amazing selections! I also came across this great website (www.createforless.com) for super savings on crafty supplies. Hopefully my DIY project will not end up being a hot mess, so stay tuned.