Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I am having a blast scanning Joe's baby pictures!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's been a crazy week.. making countless phone calls and also making new plans for the future. I also realized just how lucky I really am and how easy I had it.

lots to be updated soon.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 31st. 4:15pm

I was driving home from my friend Colleen's house when Joe called.

"Hey can you swing by my house real quick? I need a hand fixing the faucet."

You see, Joe and this broken faucet in his bathroom has been bugging me for almost two years now, especially with the brand new replacement sitting sadly in the corner collecting dust for more than a year. Hmmm, my 100th time of saying "when are you going to fix your faucet?" must have finally gotten to him. I was actually rushing home to clean because lots of relatives were coming over after dinner, but man, this was worth turning my car around. I was so excited that I accidentally hung up on him..

I arrived at Joe's house 10 minutes later. He had rubber gloves on and had clean out all the cleaning supplies from underneath the sink.

"Can you please climb underneath the sink to look at the pipe? I can't reach in there" He asked, and proceeded to put this LED headlamp on my head. (LED LAMP....HE'S SUCH A GEEK.)

I was anxious to get to work so I climbed in and wasn't really sure what I was suppose to be looking at. It was also very dirty so I came out and said "If I'm going to do this, I need to change out of my nice sweater. It's so dirty in there."

Joe started laughing, "I don't think you need to."
"huh? why not?" My mind was stuck on why Joe wouldn't let me go change and was a little bit distraught about my soon-to-be ruined sweater. I was so confused that I didn't even notice the little gray box in his hands.

"well, I don't want to get it dirty. It's cashmere!!" But Joe continued to chuckle.

I still didn't register what Joe was trying to do for the next 15-seconds until I heard something like "I'm down on both knees" and "will you marry me? and then something blinded me.
(I later found out that he had asked me to climb underneath the sink because he needed to go get the ring. Joe said that he didn't expect me to show up so soon, he kind of panicked and had to improvise.)

Anyway, of course I said yes! I did make a few comments about proposing to me in the bathroom, and about how he's not allow to be this sneaky ever again, and I certainly was not happy when I found out that he didn't even fix the faucet! Hahaha but the latter was quickly taken care of the next day because of my little ultimatum - "I'm not marrying you until you actually fix the faucet!"

I am so excited!!! I've been sharing the wonderful news with family and friends. In fact, I talked so much that I'm starting to lose my voice. I am very lucky and am extremely thankful for having Joe in my life. I can't wait to start our lives together!