Monday, July 28, 2008

yay for vacay!

scottsdale booked! foodie and shopaholic heaven. will also be baking and lounging by pools in the 100 degree weather.

vegas in september woot!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

brunch at sweet pea's. I <3 this place!

Crab benedictine buckwheat crepe (crab, avocado, eggs, hollandaise sauce. heavenly bites!)
mix berry crepe with custard.
freshly squeezed OJ.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Once in a while, especially late at night, I would just stop and reflect on my life, and then end up panicking because everything is moving too fast. Changes happen so suddenly and we don't quite have enough time to play catch up anymore, so then we start leaving out the less significant details in our lives. Before we know it, we stopped calling our old friends who moved away, the little cousin who was 5-year-old yesterday is now driving and going to college, and 2008 is almost 2/3 over and none of the new years resolutions were accomplished! It's so cliche, but we really need to stop and smell the roses sometime. Just slow down, and breathe..

Monday, July 21, 2008


I will be sore tomorrow. really, really sore.

let's see how long I can keep this up this time!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

lazy sunday

slept till 11 (which almost never happens..the weeks of sleep deprivation really adds up), caught up on foodnetwork shows, read a good 10 chapters of "eat pray love", and i will still be able to squeeze in a good couple hours of piano. It's been a while since I have a nice day like this to myself. life is good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

so hot in herrrrrr'

It's nearly impossible to get anything done in this heatwave. sticky hands and shiny face..ugh. Although I would not mind to lay down at the beach in this weather.
lots of good food this weekend:
korean bbq, cowgirl creamery triple creme cheese, acme bread, kumamoto oysters, lobster ravioli, chocolate amaretto gelato shake, tri-tip, crab cakes, sushi galore, and many many more!

tummy = happy.

two weddings in a row, one as a guest, one as the "hired help." Summer weddings are definitely beautiful. Actually I just got home from playing at Mountain Terrace @ woodside. beautiful ceremonial location, but was noisy from the bikers and bicyclists meeting spot outside. Pretty cool though, who knew it would be so happening in the middle of nowhere on skyline blvd! The drive was a bitch though..I for sure will not be getting married there hahah! Clarence and Ifong's wedding last weekend was so fun and fabulous, and I am so happy to see these two lovebirds, who are so in love and so compatible with each other, to join as one. <3

Anyway, long weekend is always too short, and I always need another day to recover! hope everyone had a good 4th of July, I know I did!